“Patience” – Sold Artwork by Surreal24seven

Reflects the journey of patience and hope through art, capturing the struggle and transformation from dissatisfaction to success.

Patience is the art of hoping. - Luc de Clapiers

In a world where guarantees are elusive, patience becomes difficult. At the age of 41, while working at a hostel in Guatemala, the realization hit me that 50 was just around the corner, and a profound sense of dissatisfaction enveloped my life. Art became my solace, my singular focus. Before and after my shifts at the hostel, I dedicated myself to creating digital masterpieces. Back then, people questioned the legitimacy of digital art as a true art form. The path forward seemed uncertain, but I knew deep within me that my salvation lay within my art.

Years passed, and I persevered with unwavering patience. Finally, a breakthrough emerged as digital art made its way into the traditional art world. With immense effort and unwavering patience, I secured a spot on the prestigious SuperRare platform, where only 1% of artists are granted the opportunity to showcase their work. This platform transformed my life, allowing me to earn a stable income and afford basic necessities like rent and food.

My journey continued with physical artworks displayed in galleries like Palm Beach Florida, a haven for the world's wealthiest individuals. I had the privilege of participating in numerous gallery shows around the world. However, after two promising years, the digital art market lost its momentum. Despite this setback, hope remains alive within me. I have learned that patience is a virtue, and I am confident that things will take a positive turn once again.

Sold on SuperRare, ‘Patience’ is a reflection of my journey through uncertainty and the quiet strength of perseverance. To explore more available works, visit my Available Works page or see the stories behind other sold pieces on my Sold Works page.


"Cotton Candy Clouds" – Artwork Sold on SuperRare


“She’s Got Sole” - Available in Oditto Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida